Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am Human

Scorching Sun staring down the life forms on this world

No peace just brutality mark the life on earth

Bitter moon shining stars look down to life at night

More demons no souls suck the blood from veins

I am a human

I have a heart

I am a friend

I know to care

All I want is love

All I want is peace

Say no to brutality

Please save humanity!

Biting nails busy heads there is no time to rest

Little boy in the sun just can’t quench his thirst

Round the clock seeking help beggars on the streets

Counting riches urban flock dealing diamonds and gold

I am a human

I have a heart

I am a friend

I know to help

All I want is love

All I want is nurture

Say no to ego

Embrace humanity!